List of Registrable/Quotable Additional Qualifications

The Dental Council of Hong Kong (“the Council”) maintains a List of Registrable/Quotable Additional Qualifications (“the List”). The List is subject to revision by the Council from time to time.

Holders of all the qualifications in the List are eligible for quoting or applying for registering such qualifications in their entries on the General Register (“GR”) if the acquisition and standard of the qualifications meet the criteria as set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Guidelines for Inclusion of Qualifications in the List of Registrable/Quotable Additional Qualifications (“the Guidelines”) issued by the Council.

Qualifications Marked with “*” in the List

For dentists (i) holding a qualification marked with “*” in the List but that qualification is not acquired through either of the means as set out in paragraph 4(a) and 4(b) of the Guidelines and (ii) have been conferred that qualification before 1 July 2024,

  • they are still eligible for applying for registering that qualification in their entries on the GR by submission of the completed application form (Appendix D of the Guidelines). Upon approval of the Council for registration of that qualification in their entries on the GR, they may quote that qualification in the dissemination of their service information to the public in accordance with section 1.3 of the Code of Professional Discipline issued by the Council.
  • they should not quote that qualification in dissemination of their service information to the public if that qualification has not been registered in their entries on the GR.

  • Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Dental Surgery) [Marked with “#” in the List]

    The requirements on acquisition of qualifications as set out in paragraph 4 of the Guidelines are not applicable to the quoting and registering of the qualification of “Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Dental Surgery)”. All dentists holding this qualification may quote the qualification in the dissemination of their service information to the public or apply for registering the qualification in their entries on the GR.


    Important Notice